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Southern Star Band

General Information

Southern Star Band
Artist Name: Southern Star Band
Genre(s): rock,blues
Years Active: - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Dave E - Guitar, Vocals - The music director and spiritual leader.
Luke - Bass, Vocals - The sex symbol and recordist.
Sly - Drums - the newest member, but played with us in a previous life.
Randy - Vocals, harmonica, Trombone - The entertainer and sometime comedian.
Related Bands: (unavailable)


Under The Radar features Dave E. Jones on lead guitar. Dave E., according to the Indianapolis Star, is one of the finest blues guitarists around as "he brings New Orleans to Indianapolis", but we know him for his ROCK & ROLL styling. The band is rounded out with Luke on bass, Sly on drums, Randy on harmonica, and vocals. Bring Under The Radar to your club, pub, bar, or event and we will get the party started! Dance with the state of the art LED light show, and listen to latest in modern vocal enhancement and guitar amplification. [If you want to know more about the equipment, go see DAVE E. at GUITAR CENTER in Greenwood]. Under The Radar seldom plays the same songs night to night and almost never plays the same songs the same way. You might be treated to a cosmic DAVE E. 5 minute solo in the middle of Mustang Sally or who knows what's next? We don't! UTR has an extensive song list specializing with hits from the 50's, thru the 80's, with current material thrown in. UTR is able to please even the most diverse group.


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